What is Tartar (Tooth Stone)?
Dental plaque is a biofilm, or a mass of bacteria, that grows on the teeth. At first, it is a sticky colorless deposit, but as it hardens...
The Impact of Diet on Oral Health
Good nutrition and healthy teeth go hand in hand. Diet plays a significant role in oral health, influencing the development of dental...
How to Make Your Teeth Stronger Naturally
Tooth enamel, the outer layer of the teeth, is the hardest substance in the human body. Still, the strength of teeth can vary due to...
How Does asthma affect oral health?
Asthma is a prevalent disease. Approximately 25 million people in the U. S. have asthma. Many researchers confirm that links between...
Tooth Decay Fact Sheet
Dental caries are a chronic, infectious disease caused by acid-forming bacteria that dissolve the surfaces of the teeth, creating holes.
Dental Bridge - Why Do I Need a Bridge?
What is a Bridge? A dental bridge is a replacement tooth or teeth that fill the space when one or more teeth are missing. A dental bridge...